Week 5 - Game Development and Testing

Since last week we have great strides and we have something for users to test out 


The tests are intended to examine the general functions of the entire game as playthroughs and testing basics. The test checklist are the tasks that the user should do for us to identify bug, report them and ensure the game is appealing to users. The tasks do not lead the player because we are trying to make them play the game in a way that will allow them to identify problems a new player would identify.

The test where

  • Start game
  • Move player using the controls provided
  • Move around the map
  • Pickup objects
  • Attack enemy
  • Complete level one objective

Some Feedback and bugs

The bugs identified where an invisible wall that didn’t allow the user to access an area of the level. This was identified by a developer tester. A tester identified that the NPC wasn’t moving or doing anything. Bugs noted that the character was not able to certain movements or the character didn’t move with smoothly and multi-directional. This issue was addressed recorded for further testing and fixing. The testers were not able to complete the game due to the  game being incomplete. Which also resulted for having feedback relating to audio not being available


The tests were successful and we were able to identify issues and bugs with out game. We summarized the bugs, recorded them and allocated them across the appropriate developer to solve the issue. We learned many ideas from the testers to help improved 

Get Nameless Villain

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